App Keeps Stopping React Native
Assuming you have installed react native video, to install react native video player, please run the following command. You can use react native today in your existing android and ios projects or you can create a whole new app from scratch. Via https// The app was built without errors. App keeps stopping react native . As you might know, react native has a developer support mode that is enabled when the app is compiled for debug. But when i install it on my device and run the app, app keeps stopping with the message app keeps stooping 2 likes reply. A strong community not only guides the app developers about using that particular technology but also keeps them updated about the new version releases, event announcements or any other news related to it. Disabling the developer support mode. <animated.flatlist data= {listings} // to have all the data ref= {ref} keyextractor= { (listing) => We’ve put together a quick check...