How Do You Know If A Sugar Daddy Is Scamming You
As a general rule, a sugar baby should be very cautious and do not reveal your real name until you feel the sugar daddy can be trusted. Connect as little of your personal information (phone number, etc) to it as possible. Do you know anyone who has a sugar daddy? idioms english He’s asking you to buy something they will offer you a multitude of stories on why you need to buy them these gift cards with the promise to pay you back. How do you know if a sugar daddy is scamming you . The scam begins innocently with a random dm to a person striking up a conversation. Someone who is wasting your precious time. Instagram is like a photo album online, so take advantage of this. They will keep bringing up the fact that they are flushed with cash, so you start to believe them. If he is truly a sugar daddy, he doesn’t need your financial help in any way, shape or form. Be concerned if a sugar daddy claims they have no facebook account when all their friends do, it could be a way of h...